Tingyun Infra

Comprehensive cloud resource pool monitoring, cloud native monitoring, and real-time alarms

Provide comprehensive cloud native monitoring and real-time alerts

Tingyun Infra can monitor traditional IT infrastructure and cloud native resources. In addition, it can provide real-time alerts based on monitoring metrics through AI and big data analysis, which can detect anomalies of basic resources.

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Out of the box

One probe can complete the monitoring of host processes, containers, and APM; Provide key indicator alarms without combing or configuration; Probe management is easy to troubleshoot and upgrade.

Longitudinally correlated

Associated with APM, compare and view the scope of impact of components; Process and component associations are monitored from the two dimensions of resources and services.

Event correlation

Different from the open source index system, it provides monitoring of clusters such as Zookeeper, Kafka, MongoDB, elasticSearch, etc., abstracts cluster metrics, and provides monitoring of cluster node status relationships.

host monitoring

Provides CPU, memory, disk, file system, and network monitoring of the operating system; Also provides process-level monitoring; Supports vertical invocation of containers and processes, and supports correlation analysis of processes and components.

Component monitoring

component monitoring

supports Nginx, Apache, Redis, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Zookeeper, Kafka, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, MongoDB, Elasticsearch and other components of the indicator monitoring, while the correlation process, host, container, APM to provide longitudinal correlation analysis.

Container Monitoring

Container Monitoring

Support Docker and Kubernetes monitoring, automatically discover container processes, monitor containers’ CPU, memory, disk, and network; Automatically discover and associate critical processes running under containers to quickly see the invocation relationships between processes and containers.

Intranet monitoringInternet


Provides service monitoring of applications or hosts from the outside, and supports ICMP monitoring, TCP monitoring, and HTTP(s) monitoring. Helps users monitor connectivity and latency within a LAN.